At the edge of the world, his journey begins.
In an ordinary place, he found the one person to make his life extraordinary.
What if you made different choices? What if you said yes, instead of no? What if you got a second chance?
When someone does you a big favor, don't pay it back... Pay It Forward
Feel the heat, keep the feeling burning, let the sensation explode.

History is written by the winners.


After leading his football team to 15 winning seasons, coach Bill Yoast is demoted and replaced by Herman Boone – tough, opinionated and as different from the beloved Yoast as he could be. The two men learn to overcome their differences and turn a group of hostile young men into champions.

Where to Watch:

Experience it. Enjoy it. Just don't fall for it.
He was the perfect husband until his one mistake followed them home.
A timeless story of strength, secrets and two warriors who would never surrender.
She brought a small town to its feet and a huge corporation to its knees.
Too young to be a widow, too beautiful to be alone.
Someone has taken their love of trilogies one step too far.

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