And now! At Last! Another film completely different from some of the other films which aren't quite the same as this one is.
The French Connection was only the beginning. THIS IS THE CLIMAX.
When the Screaming starts and the Blood begins to flow... Pinch yourself and keep repeating I'M AT THE MOVIES! I'M AT THE MOVIES! I'M AT THE MOVIES! I'M AT THE MOVIES!
The man with the golden gun is ready to assassinate James Bond.
The greatest cast of suspicious characters ever involved in murder.
If this picture doesn’t make your skin’s on TOO TIGHT.
You get tough. You get tender. You get close to each other. Maybe you even get close to the truth.
Nameless, faceless... relentlessly moving towards the date with death that would rock the world.
They were joined at birth by the devil and the evil never left them!
Just an ordinary necktie used with a deadly new twist.
Being the adventures of a young man whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven.
There are no rules and no holds barred when Popeye cuts loose!
Visit the future where love is the ultimate crime.
What happens when a professional killer violates the code? Get Carter!
Hitchcock takes you behind the actual headlines to expose the most explosive spy scandal of this century!
She was a bride when the violence happened... now she's a widow and it's going to happen again.
Somewhere in the Universe, there must be something better than man!
In the loosest sense he is her husband. . .and in the loosest way she is his wife!
You Only Live Twice... and Twice is the only way to live!
Who are SECONDS? The answer is almost too terrifying for words. From the bold, bizarre best-seller. The story of a man who buys for himself a totally new life. A man who lives the age-old dream ⁠— If only I could live my life all over again.

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