He came as the caretaker, but this hotel had its own guardians - who'd been there a long time
No one has ever escaped from Alcatraz… and no one ever will!
To break the driver, the cop was willing to break the law.
Clint Eastwood is the man in the middle of The Gauntlet
The kind of terror that could never be... until now... until Bergman!
It's the BIGGEST. It's the BEST. It's BOND. And B-E-Y-O-N-D.
The only wages worth running for, dying for, killing for, are the wages of fear

The war was over and the world was falling in love again.


An egotistical saxophone player and a young singer meet on V-J Day and embark upon a strained and rocky romance, even as their careers begin a long uphill climb.

Where to Watch: 

You can't trust your mother, your best friend, the neighbor next door… one minute they're perfectly normal, the next… RABID!
Hasn't the weather been strange...could it be a warning?
If you've got a taste for terror… take Carrie to the prom!
It is the greatest mystery of all because no human being will ever solve it.
A woman's most intimate encounter with the one person she didn't know. Herself.
Anything can happen during the dog days of summer. On August 22nd, 1972, everything did.
And now! At Last! Another film completely different from some of the other films which aren't quite the same as this one is.
The French Connection was only the beginning. THIS IS THE CLIMAX.
When the Screaming starts and the Blood begins to flow... Pinch yourself and keep repeating I'M AT THE MOVIES! I'M AT THE MOVIES! I'M AT THE MOVIES! I'M AT THE MOVIES!
The man with the golden gun is ready to assassinate James Bond.
The greatest cast of suspicious characters ever involved in murder.
If this picture doesn’t make your skin crawl...it’s on TOO TIGHT.

Showing 1489–1536 of 1704 results

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