What happens when a professional killer violates the code? Get Carter!
Hitchcock takes you behind the actual headlines to expose the most explosive spy scandal of this century!
She was a bride when the violence happened... now she's a widow and it's going to happen again.
Somewhere in the Universe, there must be something better than man!
In the loosest sense he is her husband. . .and in the loosest way she is his wife!
You Only Live Twice... and Twice is the only way to live!
Who are SECONDS? The answer is almost too terrifying for words. From the bold, bizarre best-seller. The story of a man who buys for himself a totally new life. A man who lives the age-old dream ⁠— If only I could live my life all over again.
Sometimes there’s nothing left to do but laugh!
The inhibitions... the desires... the obsessions... of a jealous woman held prisoner by her own dreams
The nightmare world of a virgin's dreams becomes the screen's shocking reality!
Suddenly the word is Alphaville... and a secret agent is in a breathless race against the Masters of the Future.
It will have you sitting on the brink of eternity!
It carried their hopes, their nation's honour!
Thief... Liar... Cheat... she was all of these and he knew it!
The astounding story of an astounding military plot to take over the United States! The time is 1970 or 1980 or, possibly, tomorrow!
The world's masters of murder pull out all the stops to destroy Agent 007!
Put a fence in front of these men... and they'll climb it!
From Akira Kurosawa, director of "Yojimbo" and "Sanjuro" comes a tense, taut film of a modern "perfect crime" with more excitement than even Hitchcock could create.
A picture that goes beyond what men think about - because no man ever thought about it in quite this way!
Sister Sister, Oh So Fair! Why Is There Blood All Over Your Hair?
Now meet the most extraordinary gentleman spy in all fiction!
When you've seen it all, you'll swear there's never been anything like it!

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