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Frequently Asked Questions

TheFilmpedia is a Recommendation Platform that provides hand-picked Movie and TV recommendations from around the world, according to a user’s unique taste. Additionally, you can create unlimited watchlists to sort and share all your Movies & TV Shows, their rankings, ratings and reviews. We also post informative and entertaining articles, lists, exclusive videos and a lot of fun stuff for all types of movie lovers.
We have been intrigued and fascinated by stories right from our childhood. Call it art, escapism, surrealism, or just good old-fashioned entertainment- storytelling and storytellers are how we connect with each other, no matter what part of the world we are from. Cinema is a medium that transcends everything and brings us together. In this day and age, when we have access to thousands of movies and shows across a plethora of streaming platforms, ironically, it is getting more and more difficult to find something good to watch. We keep scrolling across the recommended titles on the streaming services and end up watching something disappointing or finding solace in re-watching a movie we have seen already. We are here to fix this. We are here to save you from your infinite browsing habit and enjoy the films that are hand-picked according to your taste.
All the existing movie recommendation services recommend you films/ shows based on an algorithm. They don’t take the time out to figure out your own unique taste. What we have found running various movie blogs through the years, is that people have different tastes and preferences when it comes to any form of entertainment. No two persons will 100% agree on their opinions about all movies & shows.
Let me explain with an example. You will find millions of people who love sitcoms like “Friends” or “The Office”, while there are those who hate them with a passion, and then there are also those who like one sitcom and not the other. Is one user right over the other? No! Everyone has their own taste, opinion and reason for liking or not liking something. One person’s “masterpiece” might be other person’s “overrated.”
We all have used the machine algorithms of major players and we know it doesn’t work as it is supposed to, because each person has a different taste. Even though they might share similar opinions on some movies, they would not have the same opinion for all movies. That’s where these AI powered, machine learning based algorithms fail, and we come in. All of our recommendations are hand-picked for each user.
Only the users who have an invitation code from us can sign up on our platform. To get an invitation code, please follow our regular posts on Instagram.
Our Official Page: @thefilmpedia
Additional Page: @the.filmypedia
We are a small independent team of movie lovers and cinephiles. Finding the personalized recommendations based on a user’s likes and dislikes requires a lot of time. This is why we have decided to initially launch this platform to limited people. One can sign up for the Pro subscription only via an invitation code from us. We are continuously signing up contributors and experts to join our team. As we get more & more contributors that we can count on, we will start accepting more users. We want to ensure that the quality of our service remains reliable and holds up to our set standards. Quality over Quantity!
We will run promos on our Social media pages informing you about the invitation codes and discount codes. The best way to ensure you get an invitation code is to keep interacting on our posts regularly. Users with the most interactions will get the priority to be invited first. Fair deal, right?!
We are offering our Pro membership for free to those users who join our platform during the beta launch.
After that, one can subscribe to either a Free or Pro subscription.
If you have any queries, you can contact us here.
TheFilmpedia’s core features and premium services are available all over the world, no matter where you are from. All you need is a phone, PC or tablet with internet connection, and you can enjoy our services from anywhere.