One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
If he's crazy, what does that make you?
Plot:While serving time for insanity at a state mental hospital, implacable rabble-rouser, Randle Patrick McMurphy, inspires his fellow patients to rebel against the authoritarian rule of head nurse, Mildred Ratched.
Cast & Crew
Jack Nicholson
Louise Fletcher
Danny DeVito
William Redfield
Scatman Crothers
Brad Dourif
Christopher Lloyd
Will Sampson
Dean R. Brooks
Michael Berryman
Sydney Lassick
William Duell
Vincent Schiavelli
Peter Brocco
Alonzo Brown
Miloš Forman
Haskell Wexler
Alan Gibbs
Fun Facts of Movie
Jack Nicholson took a percentage of the profits in lieu of a small salary for a modestly budgeted film. The move paid off when the picture went on to gross well over $120 million.
Second of only three movies, the other two being It Happened One Night (1934) and The Silence of the Lambs (1991), to win every major Academy Award (Best Picture, Actor, Actress, Director, and Screenplay, Adapted or Original).
Many extras were authentic mental patients.
Louise Fletcher was so upset with the fact that the other cast members could laugh and be happy, while she had to be so cold and heartless, that near the end of production, she removed her dress and stood in only her panties to prove to the cast members she was not “a cold-hearted monster”.
Will Sampson (Chief Bromden) was a Park Ranger in Oregon near where the movie was filmed. He was selected for the part because he was the only Native American the casting department could find who matched the character’s incredible size.
Louise Fletcher was so disturbed by her own performance that she couldn’t watch the film for years.
During filming, a crew member running cables left a second story window open at the Oregon State Mental Hospital and an actual patient climbed through the bars and fell to the ground, injuring himself. The next day The Statesman Journal in Salem, Oregon reported the incident with the headline on the front page “One flew OUT of the cuckoo’s nest”.
Many of the cast members stayed in character, even when the cameras weren’t rolling. Even during the first time Jack Nicholson arrived on-set, he was disturbed by how realistic the rest of the cast was. He ran outside and asked, “Do they ever break character?”
Director Milos Forman relied heavily on reaction shots to pull more characters into scenes. In some group therapy scenes, there were ten minutes of Jack Nicholson‘s reactions filmed, even if he had very little dialogue. The shot of Louise Fletcher looking icily at Nicholson after he returns from shock therapy was actually her irritated reaction to a piece of direction from Forman.
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